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papaya is one of the absolute best foods that you can eat if you’ve got inflammatory arthritis. So it contains papain which is an enzyme that breaks down proteins and proteins are always the problem with regards to the immune system reactivity so the body’s immune system with inflammatory arthritis is reacting to proteins entering the blood that cross the gut barrier in the bloodstream. So if we’re able to break down our proteins better into amino acids then we have far less immune-reactivity to the foods that we eat. So if we have papaya before we have our foods as a almost a pilot food or a free food then it massively helps to assist with the digestion of the proteins and it’s also delicious. So this is a huge tip. If you have inflammatory arthritis very very helpful if you want to do an experiment have half a papaya , have half a papaya before your three meals each day for two weeks. And tell me that that doesn’t reduce your inflammatory arthritis. It’s almost guaranteed.


One of our favorite ways to start the day is to alkalize and energize with a Green Goodness Juice.  the smell of fresh veggies being juiced in the morning is a pretty amazing thing to awaken the senses and start the day. Juicing is a major part of the AVOCET Program for Optimal Health and we look forward to sharing all the benefits of juicing with you including many ‘juicy’ recipes! Cheers to Your Health! Green Goodness Juice Ingredients 2 Cucumbers 1/2 Bunch Celery 1 inch fresh peeled Ginger Preparation 1) Use organic veggies if possible. If cucumber isn’t organic – peel the outer skin.  2) Wash and place all Veggies through a juicer, followed by the Ginger.  3) Enjoy and repeat if you wish. We can’t get enough Green Goodness! 

Instant Pain Relief By stopping Milk and Dairy Products

The very first step to start eliminating Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms is to avoid milk. This may seem like an unlikely first-step, but without eliminating milk then everything else that I teach will fall to the wayside. Milk is one of the most allergy-forming, intestine-ruining, acid forming things you could put into your precious body. Most Westerners like to drink milk because we have strong positive associations with it. We think it is healthy for us. We also think that it is perfectly natural to drink and that it will strengthen our bones. Most would argue that it tastes good. Very few people are out there criticizing dairy and telling you that it is one of the worst ‘foods’ that you could eat. The reason that you’re not hearing this message is that nobody makes money out of it telling you this message. Who do you know would make money out of telling you to stop consuming dairy products? Absolutely no one. Besides, who wants the argument every day with all of the dairy lovers?

FREE RA Reversal Prog Support and Coaching

Get Rid Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain and Symptoms Faster with Free help  Private coaching with ANNA k. Your tailored plan to get you from A to B Your personal journal to document your healing Support Forum unlimited access All questions answered  in   coaching calls  solving all common RA problems Resource Database of all cheat sheets and guides  Free  Guidance from other Program experts No more confusion and a clear progress path Currently 100% focused on existing members, so we are waiting list only.   Get notified when we open again (no obligation to join):    SUBSCRIBE TO  GET FREE RESOURCE DATABASE, ALL CHEAT SHEETS AND GUIDES TO HELP YOU MINIMIZE PAIN AND REVERSE RA by email Yes, please keep me updated on news, events and offers  By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy , including the use of cookies and transfer of your personal information to AVOCET  Email* Subscribe   Provided by SendPulse


Hello ! my name is Anna , I run a digital marketing firm in San Diego.  Like many of you I was very scared when I become a victim of Arthritis which is a dangerous disease if not cured or treated well because none of us want to limit our day to day activity and become a dependent it is something very scary for all of us .  I never had a single disease in my whole life, I was happily married and love my husband from my soul but unfortunately I lost him after 8 years of our marriage when he died  at age of 32.  That incident totally changed my life,  One normal day I was running errands , driving my manual car , I felt some pain in my knees, fingers and elbows and later in wrist and it becomes stronger day by day so I went to a orthopedic he kept me on Vit D injections and Calcium supplements , which I had for 3 month and then I stopped .  One early morning I drove my daughter to her school and I was unable to drive back to work place my heart beat was not normal I was fain